Nane an Ane jouked oot their lane
Jalouse wha they saw, Tammie Twa

Ane an Twa ran up the Reid Raw
An suppit the bree wi Senga Three

Twa an Three flew like bumbees
An chappit the door o Guidwife Faur

Three an Faur fared ower the glaur
Groggies tae rive frae Fiona Five

Five an Sax went tae the stacks
An gaithered the gleanins fur Struan Seeven

 Sax an Seeven, heavy breathin
Stravaiged an socht fur Oona Ocht

 Seeven an Ocht, sair they wrocht
At the heid o the mine fur Gaffer Nine 

Ocht an Nine, loused at dine
Tae bed went ben when tauld bi Auld Ten

Auld Ten an Nane restit their banes
The lee lang nicht till it wis bricht
Then stairtit the Yowl tae girn an growl
“Rise up an flee, fur the dominie
Is coontin pates,dinna be late
For ah’m peelin nine, louns an quines!” 

An ilka young nummer in the Raws
Ran faist tae schule tae dodge the Tawse

 The numbers are as said by Ewan’s grandfather High Reynolds, who lived in Plean Reid Raw of red brick miners’ cottages.