The Sheilin Blade
Andy Shanks (for Vallie Craig)

See Vallie’s hands sheil the air
Quiek as Gourdon’s cauld,
Her memories a weathered line
Lang as days are auld. 

See first licht spark on herrin scales
Her twa bairns in a baurel
As the line o’ years fill out
Wi spindrift days and tackle.

Her words can’t catch the memory fast
Or the last boats out frae Johnner
An the stane pier’s sweirt tae tell its tale
O partan, creels an thunder.

But when Vallie hauds her sheilin knife
Her blade and hand like brithers
The years fa by and sherp as steel
We bait the lines thigither.

Andy made this song about shelling for bait for a Ceilidhmakers project in the fishing village of Johnshaven, and sang it to classes in Hilton Primary, getting them to join in making the sound of waves on the shore.